Thursday 23 February 2017

OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Presentation practice

For some more practice at presentations I signed up to present an example of ethical graphic design. I based the presentation on a design solution to helping refugees, as one Syrian - American designer decided to help in a different way. Instead of attending marches and protests which are both worthwhile causes she designed a series of posters depicting the dangerous boat journey from Turkey to Greece. 30% of the money made from the posters would then go towards helping refugees, with the funding going towards necessities such as blankets but also art supplies for the children.

My presentation was quick and informative with a 90 second time curfew, in the time I had I was able to tell my peers about the project in small scope but hopefully justified the ethical side of the project. Feedback included that the verbal presentation was strong and clear, with a good use of language throughout. As the presentation was only a small one I wanted to include as little slides as possible, but my peers suggested maybe to include a few more slides as they were fixated on one for a majority of the presentation. Comparing this to Alex's presentation in which he had moving images for the duration of the presentation, this allowed the presentation to flow with both verbal and visual being in sync. Another thing I got from watching my peers was Kate's presentation on the successful Samaritans campaign, she talked about the project from a number of perspectives and touched upon the recognition the project received. In my presentation I only really talked about it from the ethical perspective, so maybe could of talked more about the actual design.

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