Sunday 5 February 2017

OUGD502 - Film presentation

As a small study task we had to undertake a 90 second long presentation on a film of our choice. The point of this study task was to improve confidence in presenting in front of a group of people, and with ppp presentations upcoming it proved helpful to ease nerves about presenting. The film I chose was The Nice Guys, which is crime comedy set in the 1970s starring Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling. For the presentation itself I had to provide a synopsis of the film so I provided information that wouldn't ruin the story for people who haven't seen it. I mentioned why I chose this film which is because it was one of my favourite and funniest films of 2016, due to its witty humour which is similar to Tarantino films. I touched up upon the acting performances of both Crowe and Gosling and how they matched so well as a comedy pair similar to Laurel and Hardy.

I had planned to finish the presentation with footage of examples of the witty humour I talked about but due to technology difficulties the video didn't play as the computer didn't trust the footage. Other than this small hiccup I believe the presentation went well, with me receiving positive feedback. Such as, the main points came across really well with the relationship between Crowe and Gosling being the main talking point. As many people were unaware of the film, I used other films to reference The Nice Guys such as Tarantino titles which people liked. The timing of the presentation was good but would have been better if the video worked, but feedback also included that I shouldn't rely on technology.

I picked up a number of things which I enjoyed in other presentations such as in Ed's presentation he didn't reveal the title of the film till the last slide. This led people to be more intrigued and eager to know the title, as I knew the title of the film already I picked up on this technique as I was awaiting it at start of the presentation. Barney talked about grids within Drive, this made it relevant to our practice which actually made me want to watch Drive again to spot these grids used by Nicolas Winding Refn. Connel related to pop culture and this is what made me realise that relating and referencing other topics which are current engages the viewers.

Slide selection

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