Friday 17 February 2017

OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Nest issue 10 launch

Recently I attended the launch of Nest issue 10 at Colours May Vary. I was excited prior to the exhibition as it was the first issue issue of Erin's (fellow graphic design student) as she took the rains from Josiah Craven who made Nest so successful. I was excited to see the changes Erin made to Nest, I believed she had to make changes to fully make the publication hers as Josiah created a visually striking style in which was in sync with his practice and style.

When I first caught a glimpse of the new Nest, the changes were clearly apparent as Erin decided to scrap the half cover and replace it with a slipcase. The theme of the issue was Focus and it was cleverly interpreted in the editorial design, the content itself was submissions by LCA students. These submissions gave different viewpoints on focus but the editorial design is what fascinated me the most, as Erin shrewdly used grey type to make the legibility low therefore you had to fully focus on the page to read it. The night itself was a success as it was great to see a LCA community in Colours May Vary and to see how much people appreciated the revamped Nest.

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