Thursday 16 February 2017

OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Berlin posters

"Anyone who has visited Berlin will remember the proliferation of posters. They are an integral, ever changing part of the cityscape, giving oxygen to the streets" This quote is from graphic artist Patrick Thomas who is based in Berlin, Ive been familiar with his work for a while now through Instagram. Only recently through Instagram he has been documenting the ever-shifting visual face of the city around him. By looking at the letterforms within the posters, Patrick encourages us to linger over details which may go unnoticed in the rush of daily life. He describes the posters of Berlin as the cities DNA, and hopefully i'll have time to observe these posters while in Berlin.

In my spare time leading up to the trip I decided to step away from university work for a bit and focus on creating Berlin posters relating to the trip. By creating these posters It created more enthusiasm for the trip and and the free creation / freedom was an enjoyable process. The first poster is referencing the Berlin wall and I used poppy colours and a contemporary German type to create an ambiguous poster design. The yellow typographic poster was created using Bavarian inspired typography, I 3D rendered the type in illustrator to create a ambiguous title saying 'Going To Berlin'. The overall style of the poster is influenced by contemporary Bavarian typography, in which I'm hoping to see plenty of this brash style of typography while in Berlin. 

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