Monday 6 March 2017

OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Type in Berlin

Whilst in Berlin I was always on the look out for typographic posters and unique typography, prior to the trip I did some research into the typography and Berlin street graphics so I sort of knew what to expect. Therefore I was really hoping to see some Bavarian inspired typography but sadly I didn't get the chance to see enough of it, nevertheless the U-Bahn and the streets of Mitte supplied me with plenty of typographic inspiration to bring back to the UK. Different aesthetics varied throughout the city, with Mitte having more contemporary styles while in Kreuzberg I came across rough and ready typography. One of my favourite parts of the trip was frantically finding my around the city using the U-Bahn, but it was cool to see each station had different typefaces representing each stop, with my favourite being Alexanderplatz.

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