Monday 6 March 2017

OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Reflecting on Berlin

Looking back to my trip to Berlin I know for sure I need to return as I loved the city that much, with only a short time to see the city I knew that I wouldn't be able to see everything I wanted but nonetheless it was a great experience. It was a great experience for a number of reasons, firstly it was an opportunity to relax and step away from university work for a week even though I had it in the back of my mind the entire trip. Another small thing I enjoyed was socializing with other members of the class who I've never really spoke to in depth before the trip, even socialising with tutors outside the classroom was an enjoyable part of the trip. Whenever on a city trip I love finding my way around the city on foot as I believe you take more in at your own pace, I was able to do this in Berlin even with a bigger group. In the first day I walked a total 11 miles with the worst hangover of my life from the night before at legendary club Tresor, nevertheless I managed to battle through and enjoy my day by visiting iconic landmarks such as the Brandenburg gate and the holocaust memorial.

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