Sunday 7 May 2017

OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Lecture In Progress

Only recently Lecture in Progress has set up which is an online resource offering advice about and insight into working in the creative industry. It was set up by the founder of ItsNiceThat, Will Hudson as he had an aim is to inspire, inform and empower emerging talent with information and first-hand accounts of the day-to-day workings of the creative world.

By focusing on the people, projects and places that make the industry thrive, the platform is an amazingly inspiring website for anyone in creative education. As soon as I found out about the website I jumped on it as it gives an insight into the industry like no other platform does. It bridges the gap between education and work which is one worry of mine, so by looking at journals, feeds, videos and the directory every week it eases concerns about the industry for me.

The website has one aim but explains everything from the huge range of jobs that exist, to how people got into the industry and how much they are paid, right through to how a project comes together and taking a look into the studios and workplaces in which they happen. And one feature of the blog had me interested for sure, as they have an in depth article on Studio Build who are a huge inspiration of mine.

Ive read numerous articles and interviews on Michael and Nicky Place but this time Lecture in Progress has an over arching article on Build but also individual insights with Ellie Polston the other graphic designer alongside Michael and the marketing manager Elena Dransfield. The most useful for me for sure is the one on Ellie who graduated from Leeds Beckett in 2015 and it focuses on interning, life as a designer and why leaving home turned out to be the best move.

Its inspiring to see how she landed her current job at Build as previously she was the sole graphic designer at The Tetley. This comes with a certain level of freedom and responsibility as I found out in my creative presence interview as I interviewed the current designer at The Tetley, Joey Barritt. The job proved to be a real advantage because she had real-life examples of marketing campaigns in her portfolio that were solely her own and this shows that she wasn't simply just art working somebody else’s ideas. I find this especially useful as it gives a thought for third year and maybe jobs to pursue once I graduate and how they will benefit my portfolio. Ellie only graduated two years ago and now she is working at Build, so I think it shows you that the ability to execute your own ideas in a real life campaign goes along way.

Also in the article she discusses what skills she's picked up since graduating but another useful piece of advice I would take from this would be her suggestion to intern as much as you can as internships not only teach you invaluable technical and creative skills but also make it clear what kind of studio you are best suited to. And also to not take on projects purely for financial gain, and to ask yourself whether it would be an asset to your portfolio.

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