Monday 8 May 2017

OUGD502 - Module evaluation

To begin my end of module evaluation with my aims from PPP in first year and how I've built on them in second year. Upon finishing PPP last year I set the aim of improving my online presence which would allow me to connect with the professional world more. And towards the end of last year and throughout this year I have increased my online presence through my design only Instagram account. From this I have been able to present my day to practice only and offer a scope into my work, but it also offers a way of communication which has lent itself to studio brief 02.

Throughout the module we were encouraged to seek out new ways of contacting professionals for studio brief 02 and although I did find success through email, Instagram was mainly used to put my foot in the door. Through my account I can message practitioners in a more laid back manner and allow them to know a little bit more about me by checking my feed out. To touch more upon studio brief 02 itself, which has taught me a lot since it being briefed. At first I was eager to contact my favourite studios without taking into consideration their time but also what I want to gain from the creative report. I reevaluated my aims to think more about what concerns I have about industry, and thought about how I could solve these issues through the help of practitioners. In the end the report was a success in my opinion as I identified Leeds graduates who have been in the same shoes as me to help ease concerns about industry.

As ever for PPP we had to have an end of year presentation talking about our evolving practice. I informed my peers of my current whereabouts and my involvement with industry. But I feel one of main improvements this year has been due to PPP because of presentations. Throughout the module we had the opportunity to have practice presentations that would help us be prepared for the end of module presentation. As i've learnt this year that selling your idea from talking about it and presenting it goes along way, therefore the improvement in presentations has been a big impact on my practice.

To move onto my involvement outside of university this year, Ive attended a number of events but non more inspiring than Michael C Places talk at Glug. The influential designer gave an insight into his journey to this point and it was real eye opener for me. He talked about the reality of graphic design, from the days he was at The Designers Republic to almost burning out and hating design. He also talked a lot about being 'obsessed with design' and I feel since this talk and other moments in the year it has encouraged me to be more immersed in graphic design.

To move forward into third year I have highlighted a number of aims such as more collaborations as in second year my collaborative project for D&AD was the most beneficial brief for me, therefore I want to continue this way of working. Another aim would be more face to face contact with professionals but aims which have developed due to briefs in PPP this year. In the interview the practitioners informed me of things that have changed since them graduating. And one frequent answer was adapting process to someone else's idea, as in industry you normally work to someone else's ideas. Therefore next year I aim to work to maybe a collaborators idea as it only prepare me for industry.

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