Tuesday 18 April 2017

OUGD502 - Studio brief 03 - Life’s A Pitch

Studio brief
An important part of my professional growth is to develop an ability to work collaboratively and productively with others. Working in small mixed groups drawn from a number of LCA creative degree programme’s I will  develop fully and pitch a professional proposal for a public facing venture to best showcase and promote individual works of the collective . This could take the form of ( but certainly is not limited to) an exhibition, publication or online presence , or perhaps a combination of these. Through research and planning I will explore the basics of how to identify an appropriate venue, audience and market, structure your team to optimize my individual and group skills and knowledge, investigate the legal and financial obligations of developing and launching a creative initiative, seek appropriate professional support & advice, plan and control finances and effectively promote, brand and communicate your presence to external parties and partners.

My team will pitch a fully developed proposal describing and visualising the showcase with appropriate visual aids.

My individual presentation should be based on the analysis and content that I have been introduced to throughout the module and my experience of working in a collaborative partnership.

Background / Considerations
I will need to consider the following:

  • What skills and services do you have to offer individually and as a group?
  • Who is your target market?
  • What form will your showcase take?
  • What are your costs, charges and financial considerations?
  • How will you structure your collective?
  • Who will be responsible for what?
  • How will you promote your showcase? To who? Using what media?
  • Is it set in a physical location ? then where?
  • How will you manage communication through the group?

You must make reference to the module resources materials, books and web sites to demonstrate your understanding of basic marketing and business principles.

Mandatory Requirements
Responses to this brief should be recorded on my PPP Blog and should be labeled with the module code and appropriate 'Studio Brief Number'.I should ensure that any material, discussions and reflections generated during taught sessions, workshop and group critiques are evidenced for assessment.


  • TA 10 minute Powerpoint/pdf or similar presentation
  • Appropriate visual aids and printed material to support your presentation.
  • Evidence of the research and development of your presentation and visual material should be posted to your PPP blog and labelled with the module code. You should also post pdf versons of your presentation, notes and handouts to your PPP blog.

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