Thursday 20 April 2017

OUGD501 - Studio brief 02 - Creative report evaluation / reflection

To reflect upon a small but highly beneficial brief which I have enjoyed from start to finish. Although at first I wasn't sure which path to take as I contacted a number of big studios I admire but sadly they didn't get back in touch. Obviously I took into account that people get busy in this industry but I also had a change of plan, I started to reconsider what I wanted to gain from this brief and how I could personally relate to the practitioners I contacted.

Every practitioner has been a design student at one point and been in the same situation as me and this is where I found the answer to this brief and my concerns about the industry, the answer was Leeds. I focused on graphic design graduates, who graduated from the three Leeds universities and from this I gained so much more from their advice and experiences such as processes in the industry, changes to lifestyle and the current design scene in the north of England.

Getting in contact and conducting interviews with practitioners such as Eve Warren, Joey Barritt and Alex Dyson was an enjoyable process as it was confidence boost when emailing each individual. All were happy to help and provided some really insightful stories, but I'm keen to continue this contact so I've sent each practitioner a copy of the report.

Building on this brief, it has made me realise a number of things including:

  • People get busy but are always open to help, therefore it is simply finding the time and being patient which is key.
  • Contacting professionals isn't all that bad. This brief has given me such a boost in confidence for contacting professionals.
  • Aim to relate to whoever your contacting, for example have something in common to start a conversation.
  • Put yourself in their shoes

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