Thursday 20 April 2017

OUGD502 - Studio brief 02 - Final printed creative report

Below are images of my final creative report based on graphic design graduates from Leeds within the last five years. In terms of the design of the report, I wanted something basic, that didn't represent any of the three practitioners styles. Although I was inspired by printed business reports which were aesthetically pleasing so I feel like the cover revealing the title in the second page is slightly inspired by this. The small book is A5 with twelve pages, and the stock is Arjowiggins with the spine being staple bound. In terms of the layout of the book, its clear, minimal and legible with the use of both Work Sans and Space Mono giving character to the basic layout design. One of the notable characteristics of the book is the index after each interview which gives lists of names and subjects related to graphic design which were mentioned in the interview.

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