Wednesday 9 May 2018

OUGD602 - Personal identity stationary

In print my identity exists in the form of business cards, creative cv, letterhead and a invoice. I chose these deliverables as they are the most relevant to my practice and aren't obsolete factors, but small additions that make a huge difference.

The design of the business card is simple with the logotype centralised on the front. While on the back it includes my name, my practice (graphic design, phone number, email, and website. For the contact details it is set in Space Mono which acts as my secondary typeface in certain situations throughout my identity. It is used for the body copy on my website so it was necessary to include Space Mono again in print to create a coherent identity.

I experimented with a number of stocks for the business card, but chose G.F Smith Nomad Grey Smooth 290gsm for the final card. The stock is almost duplexed as it has two separate textures and colours each side of the card. I like this small detail which creates interaction with the user of the card.

The creative cv gives an insight into my practice along with giving information on my experience and skills. When designing the cv I didn't approach it aiming to stand out from the design of the cv. A majority of cv's are just visual fluff, I wanted the information to take centre stage rather than having pie charts telling someone my skills on Adobe softwares. The cv includes my logotype left aligned then a small bio set in Moderat below that. I then have two columns for information which allow flexibility for additions.

I found it necessary to also include a invoice to form a part of my stationary. Although, I am not aiming to seek freelance work after university, I still found it relevant to have one at hand just in case work comes in. The design of the invoice follows a similar template to the cv with the mix of Moderat and Space Mono.

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