Sunday 13 May 2018

OUGD602 - Module Evaluation

Thanks to the ppp module this year and my engagement with the creative industries, I now feel like I have a direct focus for once I graduate. Prior to entering third year, my goal was to shape a direction in terms of studios I want to align myself with. So to achieve this I knew I had to test the waters with placements/internships, and thanks to my experiences throughout the year I now feel more determined to strive for the career I want. One of the driving forces behind my determination was my time at Founded. Which gave me an itch for industry, as I felt at ease and not displaced while I was there. Additionally, the studio culture of Founded is something I enjoyed more than say my time at Unit 44 last summer. The experience there taught me a lot for what to expect in industry, such as being consistent and simply fitting in.

Another benefit of doing a placement was it giving me a reality check of where I want to be based next year. Working at Founded would be great but the guys stressed to me that maybe the best place for me to be once graduating is Leeds or Manchester. As Newcastle just doesn't have a creative community like these two cities do. Prior to this advice my head was sort of in the clouds in terms of where I wanted to be. It helped me narrow down my options and ultimately being more realistic, but also more driven.

One contrast in PPP this year I think is the change of quality over quantity. Over the last two years at university I've learnt to engage with the creative industries. So now it is just second nature to me, but this year i've realised the engagment is paying off and its actually having a profound impact on my practice. Whether this be reaching out to studios, getting feedback from leading professionals or creating a identity for myself. It has all helped shape the designer I am today.

One huge benefit of ppp this year but also ppp across the three years, is it giving me the confidence to apply myself to anything. If I think back across the three years, the amount i've learnt is crazy. But confidence is at the heart of it all. To have confidence in my opinion, my design, my presenting, my ideas; makes it all worth while. With this confidence I feel like I can go out into the world of work in the right direction, and thanks to ppp the groundwork has been made.

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