Sunday 8 April 2018

OUGD602 - Website update

Following feedback from Michael Place and a piece of advice I remember from Oshiro from The Elephant room during Creative Convos, I have decided to make a small addition to my website. Although receiving feedback and gaining advice have pushed me to make this change, I have been meaning to create a space for my unseen work for some time now. A platform for old work, work in progress and basically odds and ends of projects that don't see the light of day.

So to get onto what pushed me to do this. When Michael reviewed my site, he must have went onto the Instagram link to see my work on their. He remarked that I had some really interesting pieces on my Instagram and should find a way of including them somehow. Addtionally, when The Elephant Room gave us a talk back in February, Oshiro brought up about people hiding interesting work when they should let it shine. And a majority of the time the hidden work is more engaging than the perceived better portfolio pieces.

At first I though of creating a Tumblr, which would be separate to my site and would allow me to upload work like a scrapbook. However, I decided I may as well include it within my site but not as a major project/case study. Instead labelling it 'Miscellaneous' and adding random pieces in a completely different composition to the rest of the site to give an impression that it's a side thing rather than a polished piece. Almost like a sketchbook that'll allow people to see my personal work but in a more professional manner.

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