Thursday 29 December 2016

OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Adobe XD

OUGD504 : Studio brief 02  has introduced me to new software which is the Adobe XD beta, through using this software I was able to design and prototype a web app within the same software which is incredibly useful. As the brief asked for prototypes that are working, animated or navigable, XD allowed me to effortlessly prototype the web app unlike After Effects would, even though I had a number of useful AE workshops for the brief which have helped further my knowledge of AE; it doesn't offer the same ease as XD.

As XD is a beta its still being developed so it isn't the finished product and this provides difficulties sometimes when using it, for example resizing images can be strenuous at times and the type tool can often be annoying but other than that its a rather simple software to use, the easiest Adobe software to navigate in my opinion. Using this software created enjoyment throughout the design process as I was both new to this software but also digital design, it created enthusiasm for digital design as I believe being able to prototype the work at any time was beneficial to both me as designer and the process. Comparing this to design for print, in which prototyping work can be time consuming and costly like OUGD504 : Studio brief 01.

Monday 12 December 2016

OUGD504 - Studio brief 01 - Swot analysis

For a small task set in a PPP lecture we had to note down a swot analysis of ourselves.

  • Positive working attitude
  • Remain up to with current Graphic Design
  • Adaptable
  • Communicating ideas
  • Creating a broad range of ideas 
  • Picking the first idea that comes to mind
  • Opportunities for myself at this stage of my practice include placements 
  • A saturated market of designers so I need to find a unique selling point of myself
OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Plæy Workshop exhibition of its identity and brand concept @ Colours May Vary

I recently attended the opening night of Plæy workshop at CMV, Plæy which is a newly launched furniture and homeware brand which studio Build created the identity for. Build creating the identity happened to be the main attraction for me to attend plus the free beer of course.

Michael C Place of Build worked with the Plæy's founder to develop a name and identity for the new brand so that it “launched with a strong foundation,” the logo and icon mirror the brand’s approach to its products, with a simple, modular and playful design that can adapt as the company develops. The icon uses geometric shapes to form an abstract face, giving personality to the identity. Similarly the workmark and typography conveys a fun persona for the brand with its rounded letter forms at different levels. When examining the logotype I guessed that the use of the 'Æ' which is commonly used in Scandinavian language is to communicate a simple message, similar to Scandinavian design and lifestyle. Overall I like the identity of Plæy as it is adaptable and easy on the eye, the use of the rounded custom typeface make the brands personality come across extremely well and makes it stand out from others. The night itself was good as it was a chance to meet other creatives as I recognised a number of LCA Graphic Design students from third year and recent graduates.

Thursday 8 December 2016

OUGD502 - Studio brief 01 - Everyday objects @ Munro House

I recently visited Everyday objects by artist Jason Tyler at Munro House, the small exhibition is a topsy turvy re-imaging of everyday objects found in our homes. Tyler created a piece of artwork a day in 2012 and the outcome was hundreds of tinkered, adapted, and changed objects. The artwork is witty and playful in my opinion which made me question how easily some of pieces were constructed, for example placing a lego head onto a toy solider may seemed like such an easy / obvious response when I was viewing it yet I would never have adapted the two together when I was younger. Through this the exhibition definitely achieved it aims of making me reimagine objects little and large that have been a big part of my life at some point.