Tuesday 13 February 2018

OUGD602 - Founded contact

I contacted Founded a studio based in my hometown of Newcastle, regarding an internship. I came across the studio last year while doing a self initiated brief for the BALTIC who happen to be one of Founded's biggest clients. From here I made sure to keep an eye on their work, as I feel I would be suited at the studio in terms of work and ethic. I used Linkdin to find the creative director of Founded who is Anthony Cantwell, then I had to fish around the internet to find his email which was hard to come by.


In my email I wanted to introduce myself and work but at this moment in time I don't have a portfolio so I sent a link of my website.

Anthony replied a day later and was very open to having me in. I deemed the dates 26th-9th February the best dates for me in terms of workload and having a week off due to the international trip. Now everything is scheduled for two weeks in February commencing the 26th as them dates were okay with them. Only hiccup was that they are currently updating the mac suite in the studio so they don't think they'll have a computer ready for me but my macbook should be fine.

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